Zoom Workshops hosted by Pocosin Arts https://pocosinarts.org/pocosinartsonline/
Barbara Minor Instagram www.instagram.com/barbaraminorenamels/
Barbara Minor Face Book Page www.facebook.com/barbara.minor.5
Barbara Minor Pinterest Page https://www.pinterest.com/barbaraminor/boards/
American Jewelry Design Council - Member Page www.ajdc.org/member/barbara-minor/
SNAG Maker Page www.snagmetalsmith.org/members/bminorhentz/
Barbara Minor and Christopher Hentz - Portfolio Web-Site
Barbara Minor and Christopher Hentz have worked in collaboration and separately on jewelry designs and sculptural objects. You can see their one-of-a-kind pieces at their portfolio website.
Chris's Cables
Hand wrapped precious metal cables. A round, soft, flexible neckwire suitable for wearing collectible beads or pendants. Made in our studios since 1991. www.chrisscables.com
Dry Screen Printing Powdered Enamels Video - Arrowmont 2016
This video demonstration shows how to dry screen print powdered enamels using image screens (a.k.a Riso Screens).
The Image Screens are available for purchase on my website. See the page under "Supplies" called "Image Screens". The video was filmed during a week long enameling class I taught at Arrowmont School of Art and Craft in July 2016. The video was filmed, edited and produced by Kelly Hider, Arrowmont's Gallery Director. |
Christopher Hentz - Drawbench from Garage Door Opener
"The Ingenuity of Artists" - An explanation of his draw bench for pulling wire made from a garage door opener by Christopher Hentz for the exhibition "Moves like McGyver" at the ECU Symposium 2016. Now viewable on the Pocosin Arts website
Jay Whaley Blog Talk Radio
I was recently interviewed by Jay Whaley of Whaley Studios in San Diego, California on his MetalSmith BenchTalk program on BlogTalk Radio. The interview was held on Thursday, February 13th at 3 p.m. PST and is now available as a featured episode.
Sliders: What’s in a Name? - article from Jewelry Making Daily
In the October, 2010, issue of Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist, Scott Stepanski focuses on sliders and other hanging devices for beads. While researching that, he decided to look into the beads you might put on sliders, and here is what he uncovered. http://www.jewelrymakingdaily.com/blogs/tips-techniques/archive/2010/09/10/sliders-what-s-in-a-name.aspx
Meet the Masters: Barbara Minor // introduction to Master Enamelist teaching at METALWERX JUNE 2010
Promotional introduction to Barbara Minor prior to her teaching at Metalwerx in Waltham, Massachusetts - June 2010.
Jessica Erickson - Sabbatical Exhibition
In this video, Jessica talks about enameling and her piece inspired by the tornado that destroyed neighborhoods in Joplin, Missouri. Jessica took an enameling workshop with Barbara at Arrowmont during the summer of 2011.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcUUWJCZqyI&feature=player_embedded
Manon Doyle
Manon is a jewelry artist and painter who has a love of color and texture that she incorporates in her work.
Joanna Nealy
Joanna's jewelry begins with intricately pierced copper designs that are enameled in bold solid colors and completed with impeccable attention to detail.
The Enamelist Society - International Enameling Organization
The Enamelist Society is an organization dedicated to the art of enameling. www.enamelistsociety.org/
Society of North American Goldsmiths - SNAG
Society of North American Goldsmiths is the premier association for jewelry, design and metalsmithing.
Torch fired Enamels with Deb Lozier
Excerpt by Deb Lozier from the book: Enameling with Professionals - © Lilyan Bachrach - 2004